Single-strand consensus sequences (SSCS)

Function: To generate single strand consensus sequences for strand based error suppression.

  • Consensus sequence from most common base with quality score >= Q30 and greater than <cutoff> representation
  • Consensus quality score from addition of quality scores (i.e. product of error probabilities)

(Written for Python 3.5.1)

python3 [–cutoff CUTOFF] [–infile INFILE] [–outfile OUTFILE] [–bedfile BEDFILE]


–cutoff CUTOFF
Proportion of nucleotides at a given position in a sequence required to be identical to form a consensus
  • Recommendation: 0.7 based on previous literature Kennedy et al.
  • Example (–cutoff = 0.7) - four reads (readlength = 10) are as follows:
    • Read 1: ACTGATACTT
    • Read 2: ACTGAAACCT
    • Read 3: ACTGATACCT
    • Read 4: ACTGATACTT
  • The resulting SSCS is: ACTGATACNT
–infile INFILE Input BAM file
–outfile OUTFILE Output BAM file
–bedfile BEDFILE Bedfile containing coordinates to subdivide the BAM file (Recommendation: cytoband.txt)
  1. A position-sorted BAM file containing paired-end reads with duplex barcode in the header
  2. A BED file containing coordinates subdividing the entire ref genome for more manageable data processing
  1. A SSCS BAM file containing paired single stranded consensus sequences - “sscs.bam”
  2. A singleton BAM file containing single reads - “singleton.bam”
  3. A bad read BAM file containing unpaired, unmapped, and multiple mapping reads - “badReads.bam”
  4. A text file containing summary statistics (Total reads, Unmmaped reads, Secondary/Supplementary reads, SSCS reads, and singletons) - “stats.txt”
  5. A tag family size distribution plot (x-axis: family size, y-axis: number of reads) - “tag_fam_size.png”
  6. A text file tracking the time to complete each genomic region (based on bed file) - “time_tracker.txt”
  • Read family: reads that share the same molecular barcode, genome coordinates for Read1 and Read2, cigar string, strand, flag, and read number
  • Singleton: a read family containing only one member (a single read)