Quick start guide


  1. Download the latest release or clone the repository:

    $ git clone https://github.com/pughlab/ConsensusCruncher.git
  2. Install the dependencies:

Program Version Purpose
Python 3.5.1 Run ConsensusCruncher
BWA 0.7.15 Align reads
Samtools 1.3.1 Sorting and indexing bamfiles
  1. All required python libraries can be installed by running:

    $ pip install -r requirements.txt


Set up config.ini with the appropriate configurations for fastq2bam and consensus modes. Alternatively, you can provide command-line arguments, which will overwrite config.ini parameters.

Example config file:

fastq1 = # Path to FASTQ containing Read 1 of paired-end reads. [MANDATORY]
fastq2 = # Path to FASTQ containing Read 2 of paired-end reads. [MANDATORY]
output = # Output directory, where barcode extracted FASTQ and
         # BAM files will be placed in subdirectories 'fastq_tag'
         # and 'bamfiles' respectively (dir will be created if
         # they do not exist). [MANDATORY]
name = # Sample name extracted from filename using read number delimiter
         # (e.g. Sample1_R1.fastq, delimiter = '_R', sample name = "Sample1"). [MANDATORY]
bwa = # Path to executable BWA. [MANDATORY]
ref = # Path to reference (BWA index). [MANDATORY]
samtools = # Path to executable samtools. [MANDATORY]
bpattern = # Barcode pattern (N = random barcode bases, A|C|G|T = fixed spacer bases). [MANDATORY]
blist = # List of barcodes (Text file with unique barcodes on each line). [MANDATORY]

# Note: You can input either a barcode list or barcode pattern or both.
# If both are provided, barcodes will first be matched with the list and then the constant
# spacer bases will be removed before the barcode is added to the header.
# e.g. ATNNGT means 2-bp barcode is flanked by two spacers matching 'AT' in front and
# 'GT' behind.

bam  = # Input BAM file with barcodes in header. [MANDATORY]
c_output = # Output directory for consensus sequences. [MANDATORY]
samtools = # Path to executable samtools. [MANDATORY]

# Optional arguments
scorrect = # Singleton correction [True or False, default: True].
genome = # Genome version to determine which cytoband file to use for data splitting
         # (hg19 or hg38, default: hg19)
bedfile = # Bedfile, default: cytoBand.txt. WARNING: It is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that you
          # use the provided cytoBand.txt unless you're working with genome build that
          # is not hg19 or hg38. Then a separate bedfile is needed for data segmentation.
          # For small BAM files, you may choose to turn off data splitting with '-b False'
          # and process everything all at once (Division of data is only required for
          # large data sets to offload the memory burden).
cutoff = # Consensus cut-off, default: 0.7
         # (70% of reads must have the same base to form a consensus).
bdelim = # Delimiter before barcode in read name
         # (e.g. '|' in 'HWI-D00331:196:C900FANXX:7:1110:14056:43945|TTTT')
cleanup = # Remove intermediate files. [True or False]

UMI list example:


Running ConsensusCruncher

ConsensusCruncher has 2 modes:

Extract UMIs & align FASTQs

  1. fastq2bam extracts UMIs and aligns FASTQs with BWA to generate BAM files.

    Run ConsensusCruncher.py [-c CONFIG] fastq2bam with required input parameters (see config.ini or --help for examples).

    This script extracts molecular barcode tags and removes spacers from unzipped FASTQ files found in the input directory (file names must contain “R1” or “R2”). Barcode extracted FASTQ files are written to the ‘fastq_tag’ directory and are subsequently aligned with BWA mem. Bamfiles are written to the ‘bamfile” directory under the project folder.

Error suppression

  1. consensus generates single-strand and duplex consensus sequences with ‘Singleton Correction’

    Run ConsensusCruncher.py [-c CONFIG] consensus with the required input parameters (see config.ini or --help for examples).

    Using unique molecular identifiers (UMIs), duplicate reads from the same molecule are amalgamated into single-strand consensus sequences (SSCS). If complementary strands are present, SSCSs can be subsequently combined to form duplex consensus sequences (DCS).

    If ‘Singleton Correction’ (SC) is enabled, single reads (singletons) can be error suppressed using complementary strand. These corrected singletons can be merged with SSCSs to be further collapsed into DCSs + SC.

    Finally, a BAM file containing only unique molecules (i.e. no duplicates) is created by merging DCSs, remaining SSCSs (those that could not form DCSs), and remaining singletons (those that could not be corrected).

Multiple FASTQs

ConsensusCruncher.py processes one sample (2 paired-end FASTQ files or 1 BAM file) at a time. A sample script to generate shell scripts for multiple samples is provided here.

The script generator will create sh scripts for each file in a fastq directory.

  1. The following parameters need to be changed in the config file: name, bwa, ref, samtools, bpattern (alternatively if a barcode list is used instead, remove bpattern and add blist as parameter). Please note: fastq1, fastq2, output, bam, and c_output can be ignored as those will be updated using the generate_scripts.sh file.
  2. Update generate_scripts.sh with input, output, and code_dir.
  3. Run generate_scripts.sh to create sh files and then run those scripts.


Please note the example below is for illustrative purposes only, as sample names and index files were removed for simplification. Order of directories and files were also altered to improve comprehension.

.                                           Filetype
├── sscs
│   ├── badReads.bam                        Reads that are unmapped or have multiple alignments
│   ├── sscs.sorted.bam                     Single-Strand Consensus Sequences (SSCS)
│   ├── singleton.sorted.bam                Single reads (Singleton) that cannot form SSCSs
├── sscs_SC
|   ├── singleton.rescue.sorted.bam         Singleton correction (SC) with complementary singletons
|   ├── sscs.rescue.sorted.bam              SC with complementary SSCSs
|   ├── sscs.sc.sorted.bam                  SSCS combined with corrected singletons (from both rescue strategies)   [*]
|   ├── rescue.remaining.sorted.bam         Singletons that could not be corrected
|   ├── all.unique.sscs.sorted.bam          SSCS + SC + remaining (uncorrected) singletons
├── dcs
│   ├── dcs.sorted.bam                      Duplex Consensus Sequence (DCS)
│   ├── sscs.singleton.sorted.bam           SSCSs that could not form DCSs as complementary strand was missing
├── dcs_SC
│   ├── dcs.sc.sorted.bam                   DCS generated from SSCS + SC    [*]
│   ├── sscs.sc.singleton.sorted.bam        SSCS + SC that could not form DCSs
│   ├── all.unique.dcs.sorted.bam           DCS (from SSCS + SC) + SSCS_SC_Singletons + remaining singletons
├── read_families.txt                       Family size and frequency
├── stats.txt                               Consensus sequence formation metrics
├── tag_fam_size.png                        Distribution of reads across family size
└── time_tracker.txt                        Time log

Through each stage of consensus formation, duplicate reads are collapsed together and single reads are written as separate files. This allows rentention of all unique molecules, while providing users with easy data management for cross-comparisons between error suppression strategies.

To simplify analyses, it would be good to focus on SSCS+SC (“sscs.sc.sorted.bam”) and DCS+SC (“dcs.sc.sorted.bam”) as highlighted above with [*].